Inspiring new identity for Waste Vision

Model country
Waste Vision is joining forces with Dutch municipalities to lead the way with its contribution to the global issues of waste processing and the scarcity of raw materials. From a societal point of view and with the understanding that the Netherlands is perceived as a model country. And that investing in sustainability can create international market opportunities. Waste Vision produces, installs and maintains a wide range of under- and above-ground waste disposal containers with their associated electronic hard- and software.

Circular brand identity
We spent several strategy sessions defining the market strategy, positioning, pay-off and brand story. The new brand stands for providing smart solutions for circular communities. The W and V of the logo recall the ‘infinity’ sign, symbolising innovation and circularity. Waste Vision’s new identity needs to both inspire and inform. Inspire about smart cities and the circular economy, but also inform about results with plenty of space for data visualisations and infographics.